Thursday, February 19, 2009


I don't know about the rest of you, but my first response to a question or situation is probably why? Sometimes this can be a very helpful aspect, but at many times it also can be extremely hindering to things. The "why" question I have been wrestling with the past few days (maybe weeks) is, Why are we here? The answer to some might seem quite simple, you're at school to become educated and through that education sustain a living, you are at your job to sustain the living of the aforementioned, you are at the gym to work out, and etc. But to me the answers seem much deeper than just black and white. The why I struggle with is in fact much deeper than why am I at MSU? The real question is not just why am I here, rather it is, For what purpose have I been placed here? How can I better myself and others while in this situation? I firmly believe that I am where I am because God has a plan for me, but I have been struggling to find that plan... patience isn't a strong suit of mine. So what then is my purpose? I know its to love The Lord with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself, and the litany continues, but what is my use or calling? I think of some of the great people of history, what if Martin Luther missed his call to develop his thesis? What if Abraham Lincoln completely missed his calling, or Martin Luther King Jr. missed his? What if The Founding Fathers were oblivious to what they were meant to do? It's always fun to play the what if game, but the fact of the matter is they didn't... so then how do you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are doing what you are destined to do? There is after all a greater cause isn't there? The ripples in the pond or butterfly effect all are originated by something... So why am I here? How do I find the thing I was wired to do in life? The answer is simple in finding yet difficult in application.... I'll leave it up to you to determine just what that answer is...


LXW9 said...

a pastor once told me that in order to find our purpose, we must first seek god's will. until then, do we seek our purpose within it. which is...pretty much the hard part.

amanda said...

benj, its all about relationship. If you've got that, you get the rest...keep walking with Him, talking with Him, introducing others to Him, praising Him, seeking Him...

and on the days when I don't understand, and things don't make sense... "His ways are not our ways..." brings more comfort than I can express.