Friday, February 13, 2009

two part post... aren't you lucky?

Part 1
Todays post I decided to take a different approach to writing about smiling (or something that pertains to smiling) and come up with some words I think of when I hear or think of the word smile. Happy, Nice, pretty, joyful, content :), good-mood, love, family, friends, funny, laugh... I'm sure there are plenty of other words I could list but for now this list of words will suffice. Now here is the challenge, as I read over the above list I notice that something connects all of the words. A positive feeling, emotion or attitude. Honestly, there is nothing negative about being happy, nice, pretty, joyful, content, in a good mood, being in love, or with family and friends and etc. So that means if there are only positive thoughts brought about by smiling then wouldn't that in turn make you more of a positive person if you smiled more? Hmm.... interesting isn't it.
Part 2
For part two of this post I wanted to get  into the Psychology of smiling, (mostly because I have a psychology class right now and a couple weeks back there was an experiment that involved smiling, but if I didn't just tell you that, you all would think I was an extremely intelligent person, oh well I ruined that.) Anyways the experiment had two different sets of people, one group was asked to hold a pen in there teeth without there lips touching the pen and read a set of jokes. The other set was asked to read the same set of jokes but this time holding then pen with their lips clasped around it. After the experiment was over the groups were to report to the Dr. as to what they thought of the jokes. Group 1 found them funnier than group 2. Why? Well its simple, the way group one held the pen in their teeth caused them to appear as though they were smiling, while the way the second group held their pen appeared as a scowl. Weird how the appearance of a smile can make your mind fine jokes funnier than the appearance of a frown isn't it. 
So basically this experiments helps to further prove my theory that, the more you smile the A. more positive you will be and B. You will find things funnier..... after all its science.


amanda said...

I was going to comment earlier, but I had to go listen to your big brother on the Dave Ramsey radio show. talk about smiling, you could hear his smile through the radio waves (are they still called radio waves when you are listening via the internet? you're the smart one, so I figured you would know.)

FOR REAL. It is hard to stay crabby with a smile on your face. Silly that is that simple, and yet...

more smiles... =)

12-arrows said...

it takes more muscles to frown too. . . .I know that when someone smiles at me it makes my day, especially my kids. Smiling is definitely an act of kindness and we surely need more of that in the world!