Thursday, February 12, 2009

keep on smiling

What does being content mean? The definition of the word does a fairly good job of explaining the word... "experience of satisfaction and being at ease with ones circumstances." This satisfaction has to come from something then doesn't it? Continuing with the same question... if it comes from something, then some people have this "contentment" while others are still searching, correct? And isn't that what everyone is really looking for? No matter the circumstance, economic status, age, education, and etc. isn't that what we all are striving to find, contentment? Take the rich for example, you will never hear a rich man say I have enough money, even if their wealth is the size of that of Bill Gates, they will never say they have enough.... why? Because they are not content, and are choosing the wrong path to seek that out. So where does true contentment come from? The answer seems pretty obvious to me. Jesus and a relationship with him. Take a look at 2nd Corinthians 12 9&10. 9. But he said to me, 
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. FOR THE SAKE OF CHRIST,then, I AM CONTENT WITH MY weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
So thats what being content looks like, through the weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities I am satisfied because of Gods grace. 
So I guess here is the lesson, amidst all of the turmoil of our times economically, amidst the business of our days, amidst all of the school, or going to work, or a person that really is irritating you ask yourselves one question. Is God's grace sufficient?... being content means smiling more too...


Anonymous said...
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amanda said...

oh don't tell me you got a hateful comment on a post about contentment...

Benj good topic choice... all my ideas were controversial as well. maybe we can dive into some conspiracy theories in a few weeks ;)

for real, God has been teaching me SOOOOOOO much about true contentment throughout this deployment. On bad days, when I convince myself it would "all be better if..." and God says, but "I AM" (and then continues with a bunch of other stuff, but that would be a long comment and I don't want to risk being deleted) He is more than enough. I often fail to realize that... Thanks for the reminder.

not only that, these posts have made me *smile*

...and tonight when I was driving to a meeting I pulled out a conversation heart and it said, "SMILE" then I pulled one out for Wil and it said, "SMILE" Thought of you brother. (Walker's said "darling" - three in a row might of caused an accident on the road!)

Journey Ministry said...

Welcome back ..... Not that it matters but I like it!