Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The rant of a lifetime...

I haven't posted in a while. There are many reasons for that, I was extremely sick, weighed down with school, and etc., but the real reason is what is there to write about? I struggle to just write about nothing. But then again nothing would be something wouldn't it? I have honestly come to the screen for new posts, stared blankly at the empty white box, then decided to exit out and fulfill my need for mindless cyber entertainment. My mind has run empty, I sit inside the proverbial writers block, clawing my way out of the padded walls that encompass my mind, yet for some reason I can't. Think outside the box right? But what the heck is the box? I don't know if its because I am uninspired, but it can't be that because I am in fact inspired everyday. I feel like I am trying to hard. Trying to pour out this intellectual or rhetorical bull crap in hopes of impressing someone, which in turn might allow them to think I am smart.... seems useless huh? lol. I feel as though the world is taking part in some type of musical or ballet, walking on egg shells, putting on faces or costumes for each different scene they decide to act out or participate in for the day, or portion of day, or week, or year or lifetime or etc. What's the point? just read the words in the red... be intentional! Seriously, think about it... you ask someone how they are doing when you pass them in the hall, street, store etc. But you really don't care how they are doing, its just some sort of social norm to say hi how are ya? Most of the time the answer is good, you? And the ballet continues, you dance around, jumping up spinning loops with your arms over your head on your toes, and then continue on your day. Why can't the real questions ever be asked? How are you and God doing? Do you believe in God? Whens the last time you read the Bible, or prayed, or went to church? Uncomfortable huh? CONVICTION isn't supposed to be comfortable, yet we dance and act and sing all for no utterly no reason at all, merely to play this game of life adequately for the day and go home and sleep, resting for the next scene or act you are required to partake in. Let's all be politically correct O.K.? So we are supposed to accept the fact babies are killed, support a sin God calls abominable, vote for tax evaders, liars, adulterers and etc? Yes thats what I want to support as a christian... wait we are supposed to have our christian life impact our political decision? No way, you can't be serious... I just like how the guy sounds, I never really thought God had anything to do with it...? Seriously, I know it sounds satirical but it is so obvious thats what people do... How can anyone support biblically voting for a candidate who agrees with the above? THEY CAN'T, but again there is that separation of church and state thing right... and again it becomes laughable. I was watching Rush give his address to the nation and the truths of his speech became so evident.(minus the fact he thought he was quoting the Constitution when in reality it was the Declaration of Independence but lets looks past that.) Lets all portray the image of no hope at all so Americans feel hopeless, then I can come riding in on my white horse, wave my magic wand creating money that doesn't exist, say change about 1.4 billion times and cross my fingers, rub my lucky rabbits foot, throw salt over my shoulder, execute all black cats in the world, and hope to God, or Allah or Satan (whichever you think I should believe in) that it works. The Ballet continues... GET REAL! Now nothing has in fact become something... The President and I are both MAGIC!


12-arrows said...

amazing Benjamin! you have an unbelievable way of penning your thoughts! and if in fact you are magic, work some on us will you? because we aren't getting any from the president!!!

LXW9 said...

haha love the whole white horse thing. you ride in on a symbol of death to give hope. i'm actually a little comfortable knowing that our candidates to lead this nation are just as big of sinners as we are. i just don't like how a lot of them ENDORSE those sins instead of abandoning them, and then trying to convince the rest of us that everything's fine. writer's block sucks dude. when i get writer's block, i start looking for life in everything i see. everything has been reminding me of my own life lately.

amanda said...

Benj, I hope, hope, hope, you don't have to dance for long... that you find fellowship with folks you can be real with... that you can ask "how are you?" and listen to your friend pour out his heart (this might be a tad easier for chicks, but I think guys can do it too).

I know what you are getting at with the big target at the top, believe me, I know. But when you just start looking into the eyes of the people around you, talking with the folks that totally disagree politically, but hear their hearts... then you start to get somewhere... and the red-letter living brings the hope and the change that really matters. does that make sense? something God really worked in my heart on this year, this campaign season to be exact.

good post. maybe if you just start typing every time you sit down you'll get something wonderful.