Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, just like all the best or most famous athletes I have decided to un-retire from blogging and make my highly anticipated much awaited come back...(complete satire).  Much like Michael Jordan and Brett Favre, I just love this game too much to leave it behind. Some may say that I am past my prime, but I still firmly believe I have a few years left.... ok on a serious note, I am going to try to be pretty constant with writing on this, I honestly do thoroughly enjoy writing, yet it's hard for me to just "blog" because I sit, contemplate and formulate how I am going to make the post some ground shaking, earth shattering, philosophical post that people will rave about. Realizing that the prior statement is highly unlikely to happen anytime soon, I have come up with a new "style" of blogging I am going to try out. I am going to choose a topic, (anything random from the reason the sky is blue, to religious conundrums, to social controversies, and etc.) and try to write about that for one whole week, then upon the ending of the week, a new topic will be decided on and blogged about and the cycle repeats. I'm still deliberating as to what to write about for this week, but like any other unemployed college student, I have a sufficient amount of time to put into something like this. Hopefully by later on today I will Have the topic and write the first post about it... Maybe this could become a "you comment with topics for the week, and I pick the one i like most blog" who knows. But one thing I can promise you.... it will be something.


12-arrows said...

great idea and i am waiting patiently for your post!

amanda said...

welcome back to blogland benj... i am trying to think of a super-great topic for you, but I got nothing... I am sure I will think of the BEST idea EVER right after I shut this baby down for the night... in which case I will tell you tomorrow. =)