Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's your reason?

Sitting in church today (a different church than usual), a thought ran through my head, the thought, as most thoughts are, was provoked by what I was hearing. Intentional or not, what I heard from the message was seeking God (aka being a christian) was about the things we received. The main point was eternal life, but thinking through this, we as christians no doubt do receive many "gifts" or things we undoubtedly do not deserve at all. But what struck the wrong chord with me was solely seeking this life or God to attain those certain things. I may be completely in the wrong, but I doubt that eternal life SOLELY, is the reason God wants us to follow him. I couldn't get passed that in my head, and even hours later the idea and concepts were still rapidly churning in my mind and led me to a conclusion or rather a challenge. How do you view your christian life, or what are you reasons? Do you simply do the church thing in order to "feel good about yourself" and the week behind/ahead of you? Is it in fear of "THE WRATH OF GOD, or hell"? and etc. You see, I feel like it HAS to be much more than that, though being a christian should and does make you feel good about yourself and the life you live, and the wrath of god and hell are REALLY real reasons, focusing solely on one thing defining your christianity has to be wrong... doesn't it? Relationship, friendship, and etc. should be your walk with God, a personal relationship, and like any friendship or relationship, if you only seek that relationship for selfish reasons then is it real? Likewise if we only seek our relationship with God for selfish desires, eternal life SOLELY, then is it real? 

1 comment:

amanda said...

benj, I had to think on this one. I think maybe a lot of the motivation IS selfish. If I pray, if I spend time in conversation with my Savior, if I serve others, if I wait on Him, if...

I ALWAYS feel better...

more joy, more peace... ALWAYS.

Not sure if that makes sense, I could write as much in the comments as you have in the original post, and this is your blog. =)