Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What are you looking for?

Everyone is searching for something. Even atheists, evolutionists, and others are still searching. They fight to explain why and how we are here, trying to scientifically validate the lack of God through the "intelligent soup" idea. Historically the  searching has drastically changed, yet we as humans are still searching, searching to find the easy way to God, the get there as quick as possible with as little work as possible, developing new theories, religions, lifestyles, and ultimately EXCUSES. So what exactly are we searching for? In biblical times, when the presence of God was never doubted, they searched for "their own" God, building their own idols to worship, imagining that a piece of wood or other material they had just created would some how have a divine power over all who bowed before it. 
"16 Half of it he burns in the fire. Over the half he eats meat; he roasts it and is satisfied. Also he warms himself and says, "Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire!"
17 And the rest of it he makes into a god, his idol, and falls down to it and worships it. He prays to it and says, "Deliver me, for you are my god!"
They searched, we searched, we place things in front of our God, things that make us happy, give us pleasure at that very moment, yet aren't completely satisfying, so we move on to the next thing that will fill our satisfaction for fun, for life, for whatever it is we are seeking. What is your God? That's easy to answer you say? You're right, we may not physically build things in place of God but not so fast, take a deeper look at the question, I'll rephrase it. What things do you put in front of God? Is it the search of wealth, drugs, alcohol, sex, relationships, FUN, personal satisfaction and etc? What are you seeking? What fills your day-to-day life? Is it Godly? Though we search through different venues, the searching is still there, whether through science or through satisfactions, we as humans have the desire to figure it out, to explain, to understand... is it that hard to understand? "in the beginning was... GOD." The accepting part is what we struggle with, living a christian life isn't "Sexy", but it is right... "I came so that you might have life... more ABUNDANTLY." A full life is what I am seeking, and apart from God there will never be true content. Live it, learn it, love it and through that CHANGE OTHERS, it becomes infectious, after-all its in the framework of this very nation, the Pursuit of Happiness, everyone wants to be happy, and true happiness comes only through Jesus Christ. But the charge doesn't stop there does it, once we get there, once we get it, what do you do with it? Do you bury it in the field to save, or do you invest? Invest in God's kingdom and the rewards of your labor will be multiplied, store up your treasures in heaven, they won't rust, or fail, or go broke... THEY ARE ETERNAL. The search for what exactly I was searching for may be over, but the seeking of God will never end. Today's challenge, be a doer of the word and not just a hearer....

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