Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sometimes I wish I could see into the future. I wish I could just know what was going to happen with my life, just a glimpse of what lies ahead for me. I have often pondered over this concept, would it actually be that beneficial? I really don't think it would. See if we knew what our future held for us, wouldnt life become boring? We would become more apt to just live our lifes according to what we saw rather than how we would have before. Relationships you knew would end would be avoided, as would many other things. To me all of this would be more harmful than good, yes alot of pain might be saved, but also you would miss out on a lot of growth. I have had my share of regrets, times I wish I could take back, but when i realy analyze it and break it down.. everything I did has made me into who I am today. I learn from my mistakes, so I won't repeat the same. I'm not done learning i clearly know that. There will be many more heart aches and pains from stupid decisions I make, but that is part of me growing up. I don't wish to see into the future, I don't even want to have the slightest clue. I am one hundred percent happy with where I am at. Sure things get hard, and times get rough but I wouldn't trade my family, friends, or girlfriend for anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"i could have missed the pain, but i'd of had to miss the dance.."