Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Burning yellow eyes stare at me from the darkness, yet I do not move. Some how I am drawn closer, my mind not working and my heart being made silent, I am in a trance, being made to move towards this ominous figure. I feel no fear at all rather, the complete opposite. I am exhilarated. Just one taste, one touch is all I need... it looks so sweet. He whispers in my ear, yet I ignore. He touches my shoulder yet I brush him away, I only want what I cannot see, what I cannot know, I want what is the darkness. He's yelling now, yet I block him out. I begin to run now, pushing and clawing, I throw whoever and whatever is in my way behind me with utter disregard. It is so elusive... why can't I touch it. I get close, yet it moves away all the while still enticing me. He is pulling on me now, holding close, white knuckle grip, but I kick loose, my selfish desire burning deep. The more I chase the more I want, it grows on me now. I become angry, why is it keeping itself from me?


Quest Landscaping and Lawn Care LLC said...

Hey brother. check out the new blog

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?