Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Once Upon a time.... an opening line that usually begins a fairy tale, where a good person has something bad happen to them, teaches the reader a lesson, then with prince charming swooping in to the rescue, lives happily ever after. Yet we all know this is only story book stuff, stories to read children and to shape their allowing and teaching them to dream, wish, and imagine. Once upon a time there was no war, there was no hate, there was no oppression, nor suffering, no starvation, humanity or the act of being humane was, was inconceivable, for all was perfect. That time was short lived, and the sins of man have contorted and perverted this very world we now are immersed in. The goal of this is by no means to portray an anti-war sentiment, for I know now we live in a time where peace must come through strength, words only go so far, and then the inevitability of taking up arms sets in. Yet I dream... I dream of a day where families know not the pain that the separation of deployed loved ones brings, where the angst of loss in battle is unheard of, dream of a place where the fear of a child never meeting their parent is no longer a reality, but it remains only dreams. I applaud, admire, and revere, the men and women sacrificing their lives, to allow for a dreamers mind to do just that, for freedom is not nor will it ever be free. With a heavy heart and tears in my eyes, I struggle to write this. For selfishness overtakes my thoughts, and the pain of "losing" yet another brother to the army becomes a reality. Losing, not in the sense of death, yet lost to space and time. I have often questioned the decisions, longed for life to be miraculously changed so that this sacrifice would not have to be a reality. Longed to be reunited, to build forts with the childish innocence we once had, but times have changed. You have heard your calling, and now all I can say is to pursue this with the utmost vigor and determination that I know you will do. Your bravery surpasses that of most, with a warriors spirit i pray you tackle this with prideful vengeance, humbling many, while you yourself are humble. Though no amount of letters or phone calls will fill the void separation creates, I dream of a day when we all can reunite laughing and crying. For family is a bond that should be as sound as the strongest armor, able to delve into the deepest depths and soar to the most distance places. No amount of time nor space can separate this. I love you Branden


Anonymous said...

WOW! I can't even find the words to share as you pricked my heart so deeply and with tears streaming down my face I am forever touched by your love and your support for your siblings. Thank you for giving to me, in words, this gift.

Journey Ministry said...

well said son ...My heart holds to these values with tenacity! My prayer continues to be that while distance may seperate us the values that are life giving and foundational to this family of: God, His word and the narrow road they call to, will be knit to your souls and their outcome evident. Be all you can be my sons, my whole family, not for the army but for the God who calls us to life abundant, pure and virtuous...Be that warrior

amanda said...

amen brother...

i can now finally type after staring at the screen crying for 47seconds.

beautiful words; because I know they are from your heart.

and I know exactly the definition of 'losing' that you refer to...

keep encouraging Scottie through this journey. we all know its not an easy one.

love amanda

Destini said...

I know I am totally stalking, but curiosity got the best of me when I saw the link on your mom's post.

Your words are very touching and very encouraging. You are an amazing young man with an incredible heart for people and gift for words. In my opinion, you have to be one great brother. Pride in family is something that really has become a lost thing. It makes my heart smile to see the love for your family in your writing. You have your priorities right...Love your God, Love your family...
I know that our God hears and answers prayers. Keep praying and praising.

David and Casey said...

Benjamin, even though i am a sister through marriage, i hold these words from your heart so heavy on my heart. The loss is great, but he will never be no further than prayer or our hearts. God has led him on this awesome journey for a reason and will use this family as a sole support system. Amazing words! Much love, Casey

RuggedEdge said...

So many ask why I did not join! It is plane and simple. When placed a pen in my hand and asked to sign on the dotted line. I began to think.... Not think if I should do this or not but to really think... I saw a little brother that runs to the front door everytime my jeep arrives.. I saw a little sister that shouts for OX! I saw a mother who loves without end, and a father that would do anything to defend. I saw a family that would be missing a tribe member! I saw a brother in college to laugh and fight with. I saw distants and time.. For there is no money that could be handed to me to seperate me from my family.. For I will at all cost make sure I am a part of my sybliings life as they grow up.. I LOVE BEING PART OF THE LUTZTRIBE